While Brooks Township is committed to maintaining its rural character, with abundant lakes, streams and forests, we do encourage the positive development of business enterprises in our Commercial zoning district. We understand that business development can create good jobs and offer products and services that are necessary for a vibrant community.
If you have an existing business that is planning expansion, or a new business project, we encourage you to contact our Zoning Official or Township Supervisor to discuss your plans. Both officials can be reached by calling 231.652.6763, or by email: CLICK HERE
The commercial zoning district lies along the eastern side of State Highway M-37, from M-82, south to 96th Street. The district is home to a variety of small businesses that provide services and products like marine supplies, automotive supplies and repair, lodging, fuel, general retail and local artwork.
The Brooks Township Zoning Ordinance contains detailed information about the types of businesses that are permitted within the various zoning districts within the Township.